
Month: April 2018

Total results: 17
International Dinner and Food Presentation at iASK - On the 08th of May
Secrets Behind the Walls – Eleven Mysteries of Kőszeg
Real-Existing Democracy and its Discontents in Europe and Elsewhere - Lecture by Philippe Schmitter
 The Ottomans in Europe - Lecture by Ahmet Evin at iASK
Europe, Eurasia - Lecture by Ahmet Evin at iASK
Bilingualism and the aspects of being bilingual
Science in the Pub Series - on 28th of May - In most European countries the concept of “one language –one nation” is prevalent although national minorities are also living there. Due to international migration, however, the identity of European nation states has changed lately. The ethnic composition of countries and large cities has changed tremendously, and more and more mixed language areas are formed where people become bilingual. The use of two or more languages entails integration of two or more cultures and changes the original nation state identity.
Anikó Magasházi: Singapore and Southeast Asia
The New Sustainability: Progress, not Nostalgia - Lecture by Daniel Brooks at iASK
Global climate change is literally beyond belief. It does not favor any political, economic, social, religious or ethnic group. Fourth Lecture of the iASK Series: “The Future of Europe in Global Context” by Daniel Brooks (University of Toronto) Date: on 23rd of April at 2.00 p.m.
Presentation of the Talking Houses project at Duke University (North Carolina)
Patrick Pasture: The Invention of European Human Rights
Imagining European Unity since 1000 AD – Reflecting on Long-term European History- Patrick Pasture's lecture at iASK
Third Lecture of the iASK Series: "The Future of Europe in Global Context" by Patrick Pasture (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).  Date: 2 p.m.  16 April, 2018. Live streaming of the lecture is accesible at and
X. Vine and Climate Conference in Kőszeg on the 13-14 of April
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