Rossen Tkacsenko – Városi közlekedés fenntarthatósága

Research & Studies

Rectifying bipolar nanopore

Molecular dynamics simulations for the ON (200 mV) and OFF (-200 mV) states of a bipolar nanopore. Simulations of Zoltán Ható, research fellow of iASK.

Rudolf Klein: The Architecture of Béla Lajta and Jewish Wit @iASK 10.10.2016 Rudolf Klein, is a professor of architectural history. His research areas are History and theory of 19th and 20th century architecture, Contemporary architecture, architecture and ideas, architecture and ethnic or confessional identity in the 19th and 20th centuries. He also studies the interaction of civilizations in the field of architecture such as the Japanese […]

The Cognitive Excellence Program

“The human-generated mass extinction of species is the sin for what future generations will forgive us least.” Szathmáry Eörs – scientific director (iASK)

Csermely Péter előadása @iASK 2016.02.08.

Valós hálózatok topológiájának és dinamikájának elemzése: A hálózattudomány módszertana multidiszciplináris csoport Csermely Péter: A hálózati topológia és dinamika megközelítési módszerei