Tepavcevic, Sanja (2022) Building Resilience in the Times of the Cold War: Motives and Geography of Yugoslav and Soviet Migrations in 1946 – 1989

Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP03
Stepanovic, Ivana (2022) Tweetstorms and Politics of Algorithmic Visibility: Precarious Online Labour of Ecology Activists and Climate Influencers in Serbia

Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP02
Fitra, Mohammad Yunas (2022) Minority Rights in Southeast Asia and ASEAN’s Response to State-directed Minority Persecutions: Special Emphasis on the Rohingya Minority Persecution

Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP04
On the Frontline: Civil Society Response to the War in Europe

Date: 14th of June (Tuesday) at 4 pm (CET)
Venue: Online platforms of iASK (Zoom and Facebook)
Crisis Prevention versus Crisis Response – Interview with Prof. Dan Brooks (iASK)

In an interview with Through the Noise Radio show, he spoke about the causes and consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and how to prevent similar epidemics in the future.
iASK Network Helps Refugees from Ukraine

Members of the iASK international network have been involved in collecting and distributing food supplies, medicines and toiletries, clothes, toys, and other necessities in Hungary and throughout the EU
Taghiyev, Ravid (2022) Redefining “Who We Are?” Belarusian National Identity and Its Implications in the 2020 Post-Election Protests

Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP01
Truth and Consequences- UNESCO MOST Winter School by iASK

Intergenerational Perspectives on Hybrid Risks
21st – 25th February 2022
Online platform: Zoom after a personal invitation
Certificates will be awarded to those who have completed the whole program.
The Latest iASK Working Papers are Published

Peace and conflict analysis; Private and public affairs – Changes in the public sphere in new virtual spaces; “Capitalocene” a new approach; Experiences from previous global crises;
Tepavcevic, Sanja (2021) Lessons from Previous Global Crises (Un)Applied During COVID-19 Pandemic: Immigrant Experiences in Austria and Hungary

Polányi Centre Working Paper II.2021/WP04
Stepanović, Ivana (2021) Youtube as a New Site for Political Debates: New Opportunities for Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslav Countries

Polányi Centre Working Paper II.2021/WP02
Praszkier, Ryszard (2021) Paving the Way to Peace: What Sort of Environment and Mindsets are Essential? Introducing the Peace-Oriented Mindset Concept

Polányi Centre Working Paper II.2021/WP03