EU-Balkan Observatory
The Balkan Observatory, an initiative by the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK), is dedicated to exploring the geographic and cultural complexities of the Balkan region.
Digital Society Research
Exploring Artificial Intelligence, Digital Ethnography, and Online Activism In an era defined by rapid technological progress, societies have undergone unprecedented transformations across ecological, economic, political, and social realms. The pervasive influence of technology, from the reach of social media platforms to the immersive experiences offered by virtual and augmented reality, is shaping our lives in […]
Why do Ukrainians want to go back home? Possible causes behind the return of war refugees to Ukraine The article was written by Larysa Tamilina, associated fellow of iASK and was released on Vox Ukraine on 4 August 2022. September 13, 2022 longterm1 longterm2 longterm3 News rtg ukraine war > Why do Russians accept the […]
Land Research
Core Fields: Land Use Planning: Shaping Sustainable Land Development Human Impacts on Land Resources: Evaluating Environmental Footprints Land-based Ecosystem Services: Understanding Ecological Functions Sustainable Land Use: Promoting Responsible Resource Management Land Resources Conservation: Preserving Land Quality Environmental Informatics: Integrating Data for Informed Decision-making Land Policy: Influencing Regulations and Guidelines Environmental Law: Navigating Legal Frameworks for […]
Key iASK Research Fields
Water Research
Sustainable Water Resources and Management at iASK The water research initiatives center around the sustainable management of water resources, with a focus on agricultural water resources development. Water, as a vital and finite resource, requires responsible utilization to ensure the well-being of ecosystems and human societies. Interdisciplinary innovative strategies and technologies are explored to address […]
Hungarian iASK Volumes
Kroó Norbert: Tudomány és technológia forradalma a 21. században Ez a könyv a huszonegyedik századi tudományról és technológiákról szóló előadások példákkal kiegészített, bővített változata. September 26, 2022 > Miszlivetz Ferenc – Sümegi István – Szabó Gábor – Szommer Ildikó – Tokaji Nagy Erzsébet: Daliás idők A Szombathelyen az 1980-as évek második felétől működő Németh László […]
Climate Change Adaptation
Evolutionary Perspectives on Adaptation and Global Survival The Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK) is dedicated to innovative climate change research, recognizing the urgent challenge of adapting to a changing climate and developing global survival strategies. From the perspective of evolutionary biology, research explores the profound implications of climate change on ecological systems and human […]
Book Ordering
Exploring Innovation and Sustainable Development iASK conducts a wide range of diverse research projects that tackle pressing challenges and promote innovation and sustainable development. The interdisciplinary approach bridges diverse fields, including climate science, soil research, social innovation, global challenges, complexity, and community engagement. The aim of these diverse research fields is to gain a deeper […]
Current Projects
Soils for Europe Project Horizon Europe Framework Program (HORIZON) project No. 101091115 2022-2027 The EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ is leading the transition towards healthy soils by 2030. Research is key to achieving eight ambitious objectives that include reducing desertification, conserving soil organic carbon stocks and improving soil structure to enhance soil biodiversity. […]
Completed Projects
The Bakony Social Innovation Project Supported by VEB2023 ECOC Program 2022-2023 The Bakony Social Innovation Project supported the development of cultural-artistic programs in the participating municipalities (Bakonynána, Borzavár, Jásd and Nagyesztergár), which are part of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture (VEB2023 ECOC) Program, through research work. The fieldwork used the tool of ‘co-creation’, […]