Research & Studies
Total videos: 348
Colours and shadows - Tamás Fejérdy's guidelines on the colouration of facades of historic buildings
Tamás Fejérdy's book "Guidelines for the colouration of facades of historic buildings" is available for pre-order from FTI-iASK Publishing at [email protected] or at
Pannonian Values - The Jews of Körmend - Special Video Recommendation by Edit Szántóné Balázs
This content is available only in Hungarian!
The 12 most beautiful Hungarian poems
Europe in the Global Strategy of the U.S.
Lecturer: Tamás Magyarics (historian, professor of ELTE) Date: 10th of May 2021 (Monday) at 2 pm (CET)
A Proustian Project for Europe – Exploring a Possible Future, and a Critique of Binarism
Lecturer: Víctor Pérez-Díaz (sociologist, Chairman of Analistas Socio-Políticos (ASP), Research Center Madrid – Spain) Date: 27th of April 2021 (Tuesday) at 2 pm (CET)
Globalization for and against in light of the pandemic and economic recession by József Bayer
Lecturer: József Bayer (philosopher, political scientist, ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) Date: 13th of April 2021 (Tuesday) at 2 pm (CET)
Economics Based on Human Focus - Science in the Pub
Lecturer: Sarolta Laura Baritz (Dominican nun, economist, Sapientia University, Corvinus University) Date: Monday, May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM (CET)
Earth, Water, Fire, Soul – Science in the Pub with Gyula Kodolányi
Participants: Gyula Kodolányi (writer, public thinker), Kinga Erős (President, Writers’ Association) Bálint Túri (actor) Mihály Szabó (director) Date: Monday, April 19, 2021, 6:00 PM (CET)
The Man behind Gustav Klimt – Network of Contacts in Vienna around 1900
Lecturer: Ilona Sármány-Parsons (art historian) Date: 22nd March 2021 at 6. p.m. 
Trapped in Complexity – The Man, the Lion and the Virus – Online Science in the Pub
Lecturer: Dezső Boda (physicist, researcher of iASK) Date: 08th March 2021 at 6. p.m. 
Complexity in Nature and Society - From Dancing Molecules to Collapsing Societies
Global warming, biodiversity, water security, migration, and many other challenges of the 21st century urge us to shift from traditional disciplinary thinking to integrative thinking about complex issues of nature and society. Complex systems science is a research field devoted to this new way of thinking.
Why Singapore? - Questions and Answers about Anikó Magasházi's New Book - Video Recommendation
Singapore Globally Entangled – Lessons for Central Europe? titled new book published by iASK can be ordered at [email protected]