Research & Studies

Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Prospects for Central and Eastern Europe

Date: 29 May, 14:00

Venue: Bibó Auditórium Europe House Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 14. 

Lectuer: Anastas Vangeli (Civil Society Scholar of the Open Society Foundations)


 Anastas Vangeli is a doctoral researcher at the Graduate School for Social Research at the Polish Academy of Sciences completing his dissertation on the Belt & Road Initiative as a medium for principle-diffusion, and a non-resident fellow at the Turin World Affairs Institute. Anastas is currently a Civil Society Scholar of the Open Society Foundations; he has been previously a PhD Fellow with ZEIT Stiftung, and a visiting scholar at the Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University, Renmin University of China, and the Brussels office of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). He is a coordinating member of the EU-China CRN and co-organizer of six Workshops on EU-China relations in global politics. Anastas has published in peer reviewed journals, including Journal of Contemporary China Studies, The China Journal, China and World Economy, Nationalities Papers and Ask: Research and Methods, and is a co-editor of a volume on Europe-China Relations (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013).