Research & Studies

Sources of Modern Dissent

Workshop by Polányi Centre at Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg (iASK)
Venue: Kőszeg, Europe House, Chernel st. 14. Bibó Auditorium

Date: December 11-12 2017

The workshop aims to raise the question regarding the main contentious issues that entangle political debates and raise dissent in Europe today. Both young fellows at the IASK Polanyi center, as well as invited senior researchers will look at the following issues:

Monday, December 11, 2017


I. Democratic governance, illiberal democracy and oppositional movements in Europe

A. Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans

B. Prespectives from Western Europe

Speakers: Dimitar Nikolovski, Igor Stipic, Miles Muftean, Felipe Gonzales Santos, Ali Emre Benli (TBC)


II. Memory Politics and Expressions in Politics and Culture

Speakers: Astrea Pejovic, Weronika Grezbalska, Lovro Krajl

17:00 Piro Rexhepi (via Skype)

Workshop will be held in English!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


III. Acticulating Racism in Post-Socialist Countries: Migration and Multiculturalism in Europe

Speakers: Felix Bender, Mathias Moschel (TBC)

Participants: Felix Bender (iASK), Ali Emre Benli (University of Graz), Weronika Grezbalska (iASK), Jody Jensen (iASK), Lovro Krajl (iASK), Miles Maftean (iASK), Mathias Moschel(CEU), Dimitar Nikolovski (iASK), Astrea Pejovic (iASK), Piro Rexhepi (Max Planck Institute, via Skype from NY), Felipe Gonzales Santos (iASK), Igor Stipic (iASK)