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Ryökas, Aiski


Migrant Solidarity Group, of Hungary

Aiski Ryökäs is a political activist for whom excel sheets are almost as important as megaphones. She is part of Migszol Csoport, an independent grassroots organization working for the social and political rights of migrants in Hungary. Aiski joined the group in 2013 when she moved from Finland to Budapest, and since then she has been occupied with migration policies and their results, in Europe and especially in Hungary. Her activist work with Migszol consists of information campaigns, cooperating with local and international peers and organizing events and demonstrations. Besides Migszol, in 2016 Aiski was involved in launching the CEU OLIve, a university program for refugees and asylum seekers at Central European University, and in the spring 2017 she worked with the CEU protests in Budapest. She did her MA at CEU in sociology and social anthropology, researching migration narratives of children in the sociopolitical context of Hungary.