John Crowley is Chief of Section for Research, Policy and Foresight in the UNESCO Sector for Social and Human Sciences. Since joining UNESCO in 2003 he has also been a program specialist in social science (2003-05) and head of the communication, information and publications unit (2005-07), chief of the section for ethics of science and technology (2008-11) and team leader for global environmental change (2011-14). Before joining UNESCO, he worked as an economist in the oil industry (1988-95) and as a research fellow at the French National Political Science Foundation (1995-2002). From 2002 to 2015, he was editor of the UNESCO-published International Social Science Journal. He is the author of Sans épines, la rose. Tony Blair: un modèle pour l’Europe ? (Paris: La Découverte, 1999) and editor of Tony Blair, le nouveau travaillisme et la troisième voie (Paris: La Documentation française, 1999), Pacifications, réconciliations (special issue of the journal Cultures & Conflits, Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001), and Rethinking Human Security (Paris/Oxford: UNESCO / Wiley-Blackwell, 2008, with Moufida Goucha). He has published a further 100 academic articles and book chapters, mainly on political theory and comparative politics.