
Research & Studies

results for Research & Studies

Total results: 565
They consciously carry out their long-term visions and, if necessary, correct and improve them - Interview with Anikó Magasházi (iASK researcher)
For decades, Anikó Magasházi, an economist has followed the development of Singapore from a Central European point of view. Several books on the subject have been published by iASK in recent years.
Chip Off the Old Block: Generation, Development, and Ancestral Concepts of Heredity
The article - was written by Péter Poczai and Jorge A. Santiago-Blay - was published in the journal Frontiers in Genetics
How We Predicted the Future - Notes from the 4th UNESCO MOST Winter School
Panel about geopolitics on the day of the outbreak of war in Ukraine
Taghiyev, Ravid (2022) Redefining “Who We Are?” Belarusian National Identity and Its Implications in the 2020 Post-Election Protests
Polányi Centre Working Paper I.2022/WP01
Truth and Consequences- UNESCO MOST Winter School by iASK
Intergenerational Perspectives on Hybrid Risks 21st - 25th February 2022 Online platform: Zoom after a personal invitation Certificates will be awarded to those who have completed the whole program.
The Latest iASK Working Papers are Published
Peace and conflict analysis; Private and public affairs - Changes in the public sphere in new virtual spaces; "Capitalocene" a new approach; Experiences from previous global crises;
Tepavcevic, Sanja (2021) Lessons from Previous Global Crises (Un)Applied During COVID-19 Pandemic: Immigrant Experiences in Austria and Hungary
Polányi Centre Working Paper II.2021/WP04
Stepanović, Ivana (2021) Youtube as a New Site for Political Debates: New Opportunities for Reconciliation in the Former Yugoslav Countries
Polányi Centre Working Paper II.2021/WP02
Praszkier, Ryszard (2021) Paving the Way to Peace: What Sort of Environment and Mindsets are Essential? Introducing the Peace-Oriented Mindset Concept
Polányi Centre Working Paper II.2021/WP03
Attila Szigeti (2021) Anthropocene Narratives and the Ecopolitics of the Climate Crisis
Polányi Centre Working Paper II.2021/WP01
Zoltán Gaál former rector of the University of Pannonia and former senior researcher of iASK passed away
Thank you for everything, Professor! Rest in peace!
Professional meeting between the leaders of Corvinus University and iASK
They also visited the buildings renovated under the KRAFT programme