
Research & Studies

results for News

Total results: 201
From Industrial City to Creative City - The Győr Example
A Soul for Europe Conference 2019 in Berlin - Towards A European Citizens’ Convention
A Soul for Europe connects and mobilizes citizens and democratic institutions across Europe, fostering a sense of responsibility for the future of Europe and democracy through culture. Jody P. Jensen (ISES), Izabella Agárdi (iASK) participated in one of the Conference's panels titled "Strengthening the European Identity through the Culture and Education - And how to manage it?".
The Festetics Mystery - Ceremonial Book Launch at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by iASK
Date: 9th of May 2019 at 4 p.m. Venue: Budapest H-1051 Széchenyi tér 9. HAS Main Building - Ceremonial Hall
Cover//Age - Opening of the 2nd National Salon of Architecture by Ferenc Miszlivetz at Kunsthalle
Időpont: 2019. április 25. 17.00 óra Helyszín: Műcsarnok H-1146 Dózsa György út. 37.
Maintenance under pressure of time and knowledge – 31th International Maintenance Conference
Venue: University of Pannonia Egyetem, Veszprém, Wartha Vince st. 1. Polinszky Hall Date: 15th-16th of April 2019  The program of the conference is available only in Hungarian!
History of Doping and its Controlling from the Ancient Olympics till Today
Lecturer: Ágnes Tiszeker (physician, president of the Hungarian Anti-Doping Group) Date: 29th of April 2019 at 6 p.m. The lecture will be held in Hungarian!
How Does the Past Become History? - Science in the Pub
Lecturer: Attila Pók historian (FTI-IASK) Date: 15th of April 2019 at 6 p.m. Venue: Írottkő Hotel & Bár – Kőszeg H-9730 Főtér 4.
"Justice for David" or How to Protest Against the Culture of Fear in BiH by Igor Stipic (iASK)
His writing's key question is very simple: What will happen, if the anger of the people is stronger than fear?
Civic Sound Self-Awareness - The Kőszeg Example
Science in the Pub Date: 01st of April 2019 at 6 p.m. Venue: Zwinger Oldtower Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 16.
Saint Martin in Hungary - History of a Cult and Beliefs
Expanded Reason - The Potentials of Anthropocentric Science
The "Expanded Reason" Symposium Series' goals include observing anthropocentric science in various research fields like Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, Law, and Social Psychology.
Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Science Fiction: Coping with a Complex Future – Workshop by the Polányi Center of iASK
Video-lectures of the Polányi Symposium at iASK Date: 06th of April 2019 Venue: Zwinger-Oldtower, Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 16.