Science in the Pub – 2018 Spring

Research & Studies

Ferenc Miszlivetz: Alternatives of the Consumer Society

Ferenc Miszlivetz (iASK Director) held a presentation on the 21st of June at the 12th Conference of the Interdisciplinary Hungarian Healthcare in Budapest. The topic was the Creative City, Sustainable Region project by iASK in Kőszeg (Hungary).

iASK at the Savaria Urbanistic Summer University in Szombathely

  Mónika Mátay (iASK Researcher) held a presentation on the 8th of August at the 51st Savaria Urbanistic Summer University in Szombathely. The aim of the panel titled “Our Past’s Future” was to identify the threats posed to historic city districts and buildings as well as to explore the possibilities of removing them. By presenting […]

Zoltán Fejérvári – Piano Concert

IV. Bozsok Music Festival (tickets at the door) Date: 03th of August, at 8.00 p.m. Venue: Europe House Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 14. Bibó Auditorium 

Summer Concerts of ISU 2018 at iASK

Piano Concert by Sijin Chen Date: 28th of June at 7.30 p.m. Venue: Europe House – Bibó Auditorium   Heruvimi  – Macedonian Medieval Chamber Choir Dtae: 2nd of July at 7.00 p.m. Venue: Saint Imre Church – in Jurisics Square (Kőszeg)      

Sándor Kerekes (iASK) will receive the Justitia Regnorum Fundamentum Prize

Prize Award Ceremony at the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Date:  June 29th 2018 at 11:00 a.m Venue: H-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 22. Justitia Regnorum Fundamentum Prize goes to  Prof. Lajos Vékás  jurist, Member of HAC Éva Mayer Editor in Chief – Barátság cultural and public journal Prof Sándor Kerekes,  economist Budapest Corvinus University, […]