Everyday life of a military schoolboy in Kőszeg – In the light of Ottlik’s “School at the Frontier” novel

Research & Studies

Health and Education – COVID-19 Workshop by iASK

We face numerous questions, which are difficult or impossible to answer immediately, but the exchange of views among stakeholders and those responsible can help us to find optimal ways to accountable and efficient attitudes and flexible adaption. In order to formulate the response, we will need more and more information, positive examples and, above all, resilience.
Date: 2nd October 2020, 9 am- 4 pm 
Venue: Zwinger Old Tower, Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 16.
Live streaming: https://www.facebook.com/iask.hungary

Water & Risk – Thoughts of the Paradigm Shift

Lecturer: Prof. János Bogárdi (hydrologist – Univesity of Bonn)
Date: 14th September 2020 at 6. p.m. 
The lecture will be accessible by online streaming on the Facebook-page of iASK!