
Month: February 2020

Total results: 8
Science in the Pub: Fish or Fishnet? - The Questions of a Fairer Economy
Lecturer: János Székely (bishop of the Roman Catholic Church) Date: 23 March 2020 at 6. p.m. 
Nights at the Attick: From Cyber-Bear to the Killer-robots of the Starfish - Looking at the Digital Culture from the Right Perspective!
This content is available only in Hungarian!
József Berács: Recent evaluation of Polanyi’s perception of trade and markets from economics and business perspectives
József Berács: Recent evaluation of Polanyi’s perception of trade and markets from economics and business perspectives I.2020/WP02
O Brave New Europe! Shakespearean lessons for negotiating the contemporary European political atmosphere
Lecture by J.D. Mininger (LCC International University, Lithuania) Date: 10 March 2020 (Tuesday) at 2 p.m. Venue: Kőszeg H-9730 Chernel st. 16 Zwinger Old Tower Live streaming of all lectures is accessible at
Citizens Looking for Multidimensional Migration Challenges (CITIMIG)
The Paneuropean Movement Austria has been granted an 18-month project with the title Citizen Looking for Multidimensional Migration Challenges, co-financed by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.
UNESCO MOST Winter School 2020 - Including Video Lectures
Including lecturers, and cultural programmes
iASK Newsletter 2020/I
Most highlighted events and themes of the Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg in the first quarter of 2020
The Threat Within the Threat - Global Climate Change and Emerging Disease by Dan Brooks
Climate change is a global phenomenon that recognizes no national boundaries, political, social, religious, or economic systems, or ethnic origins. One element of climate change is the crisis of emerging diseases. This represents an existential threat to humanity; technological, heavily urbanized humanity may be at particular risk. Special Issue of the iASK Working Paper by Daniel R. Brooks.