Research & Studies

Geopolitical transformations from regional perspectives – International workshop

„Geopolitical transformations from regional perspectives”: International workshop organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies (iASK), Kőszeg and the ISES Foundation, Jean Monnet Center for Excellence

Date: 2nd October, 2024 2 p.m.

Venue: Europe House, Kőszeg, Chernel street 14.

Title: Toward Enhanced Partnership between the EU and the Republic of Korea

Keynote speech by: Jae-Seung LEE

Keynote speech by: Jae-Seung LEE

Professor and Jean Monnet Chair in College of International Studies, PhD Political Science, Yale University, Director, Ilmin International Relations Institute Professor & Jean Monnet Chair Korea University

Panel discussion:

Jody Jensen, (Chair) Director and Research Fellow Polanyi Center, iASK, Kőszeg Jean Monnet Chair, University of Pannonia

Anikó Magasházi, Research Fellow, Head of International Relations, iASK

Title: Catching a Glance at Republic of Korea-Hungary relations and the ASEAN-initiated networks encompassing 3 large East-Asian countries

Kristian, L. Nielsen, Research Fellow, Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS), Center for Contemporary Asia Studies, Budapest

Title: The false promise of off-shore balancing


Klaus Wölfer, former Austrian Ambassador in Indonesia and Turkey, Board member IDM, (Institute of the Danube Region and Central Europe) Vienna

Ferenc Miszlivetz, Director, iASK, Jean Monnet Chair ad Personam, Professor, University of Pannonia

Registration under [email protected] until 2nd October 10.a.m.