Research & Studies

Szabolcs Márka Co-Authors Article in Scientific American on Black Hole Detection

Szabolcs Marka, an iASK research fellow, together with Imre Bartos, has published an article in Scientific American titled “Black Hole Detectors Fulfill Moore’s Law.” In the article, they discuss how Moore’s Law, traditionally used to describe the exponential improvement of microchips, can also be applied to advancements in the technology used for detecting black holes. The authors highlight how these rapid technological developments, particularly in gravitational wave observatories, have enabled significant discoveries, such as colliding black holes.

Their article emphasizes that the principle of exponential technological growth, initially related to computing, is relevant in other scientific fields like astrophysics, where continual advancements are essential for achieving major breakthroughs. Read the full article here: Black Hole Detectors Fulfill Moore’s Law | Scientific American