Research & Studies

Rima Rammah: From War-Torn Syria to Germany

Rima Rammah, a Syrian student who recently completed her MA in International Studies at the University of Pannonia’s Kőszeg Campus, shares her compelling journey in her post on “Europe Must Act” platform. Titled “From War-Torn Syria to Germany: The Struggle to Find Identity and Acceptance,” Rima reflects on her harrowing experiences from her homeland to her current life in Germany. Her story highlights the profound challenges refugees face, including navigating asylum procedures, confronting racial discrimination, and struggling with identity in a foreign land. Despite these obstacles, Rima remains committed to advocating for refugee rights, drawing from her own experiences and legal education to strive for a future where refugees are treated with the dignity and equality they deserve.

Read more about Rima’s journey and insights in her full article here.